Blog for the meeting on July 3rd: English hybrid meeting
Rainy season has gone last week. I heard that it was the earliest since the statistics was taken. The moment the hot summer days had come, typhoon emerged. How incredible the weather is!
■ Today’s word: fresh
“At the beginning of the meeting, one member announces “today’s word”. Speakers can build up practical vocabulary by trying to use today’s word in their speeches.
Today’s word is “fresh” defined as newly produced in English dictionary.
We can use this word like our club has made fresh start by new officers today.
■ Prepared Speech session
A prepared speech is made based on the speech manual written by toast masters international. Speakers have to make a speech along purposes in the manual such as “logical speech” and “effective way of speech”. The manual gives us specific advices. Achieving the purposes step by step allows you to improve your speaking skill.
(TM M-san) Title : Well, it’s just my habit.
M-san told us about effectiveness of positive attitude. She started keeping diary using app. She tried to use positive words and remind successful experiences in the diary. She concluded that thinking positive led to low stress and resilience. Changing the way of thinking can change your life.
(TM D-san) Title : The Elegance of Style
Nature has many the elegance of style. For example the gene has elegant double helix structure. D-san introduced several elegant paper writing formats. APA format is described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. MLA format is defined at Modern Language Association of America. I felt from her talk that we are not scholar authoring paper, but learning the Elegance of Style helps us to make elegant speech
(TM D-san) Title : True Independence of Mind
We Japanese tend to be required to read atmosphere. In these days we need courage not to wear mask in most people wearing masks around us. D-san suggested us to practice active harmony. It means that first trying to understand other opinions, next debating with others and finally making compromise with others. I though from his speech that true independence comes with responsibility.
■ Table Topics session
Table Topics is impromptu speech. A facilitator for Table Topics gives a title of speeches and assigns a speaker. The speaker have to organize his/her idea and make a two-minute-speech on the spot. Quick response ability can be improved through the Table Topics speech.
- What do you do to get the good sleeping on hot night?
- What plan do you have on summer vacation?
- What do you think of alternative for change prices?
- What kind of food do you like this hot season?
- What is your power saving way?
■ Evaluation session
In the evaluation session, evaluators previously assigned describe good points and area for an improvement and encourage speakers to make more effective speeches. Evaluators have to listen to the speech carefully and are qualified the ability to analyze good points and area for an improvement quickly. Even if you are not evaluator, evaluator-like- listening is a good training to be a good speaker.
■ Award session
The best speaker of each session, prepared speech, table topics and evaluation, is chosen by all participants voting and is awarded for his/her best speak. Congratulations!