It was miserable weather, but Fuchu TMC held an energetic English meeting with ten members and one guest Today.
We had a memorable induction ceremony for two new members. Their new participation will further revitalize our club.
■Today‘s word :‘’Unbelievable’’
The role of “Today’s word” supports and enhances members’ vocabulary.
TM S.F chose “Unbelievable” as Today’s word.
■Prepared Speech session
We had two prepared speakers Today.
The 1st speaker was TM M.T. He provided the same speech of his last time speech in Japanese. His speech title is “Let’s reduce food wastes and losses”. I noticed the meanings of “waste” and “loss” differ. At the Q&A session, we added one tip for reducing food waste and losses. That is “trust your tongue”. It is impressive for me.
The 2nd speaker was TM M.S. He explained how the AI gives us the benefit to create our prepared speech. I have never used AI for my prepared speech. But I want to utilize my next speech. According to him, we can ask AI in Japanese, and it will answer in English. Here is a link for “Chat GPT”
■Table Topic Session
Today’s table topic master is TM Y.K. She chose a suitable topic in GW season. That is
“How are you spending your time during the GW vacation? What did you do in GW?”
The 1st Table Topic speaker is TM E.M from Machida TMC. She didn’t have special event in GW. But she went shopping with her family.
The 2nd Table Topic speaker is TM M.N. She welcome backs our club as a official member. She didn’t do anything in GW season. She has been sleeping in GW.
The 3rd Table Topic speaker is TM A.T. He went hiking to the mountain in Saitama prefecture, which is one of the good one hundred mountains in Japan.
■Evaluation session
The Toastmasters club doesn’t have any coach or trainer. But we have a good learning environment to evaluate mutual among the members.
Today, we have two evaluators and they provide positive points and room for improvement of the two prepared speakers.
■Award session
We have selected the best Table Topic speaker, the best Evaluator, and the best prepared speaker Today.
Congratulations to all award winners!