The 302th Regular Meeting in English(2024/07/07)


The 302th Regular Meeting in English (7/July2024)

 Today’s meeting is the 302th meeting. It’s amazing for us. Today.we have a new
term in our club, We concluded the new chairman TM M speech with applause,and the regular meeting began with refresherd minds.

TMOD TM Kopened today ‘meeting and explained each role.then,each owner explained ther role.

A-counter TM M

Grammarian TM S

Today’s word : “Awesome”

 TM M announced “Awesomeas today’s word 
“Awesomeas soon as wonderful,excellent,amazing, fine.she told us the awesome reason why she chose it.

Prepared Speeches

 1st speech:TM Y  The title is Self-Introduction and Goals in fuchu toastmasters club.

Today was my first day givining a prepared speech. I could speak abut my short self-introduction , why I joined this club,and my goals. 

 2nd speech:TM M The title is A toast Speech and Social Speech
given by TM M In the letter part,he spoke about how our club has provided an excellent opportunity for output. He defected on his journey with Fuchu TMC form the time he jojned until today.And he shared how the Fuchu Toastmasters Club has become not only opportunity for good output but also a warm space for him。

■Table Topics Session

 Today’s Table Topics Master is TM K. The theme of the table topics is Shohei Otani, the most attracting baseball player in Japan.

■Evaluation Session

 General Evaluator, TM S.controlled the evaluation segment.
TM N The first speech was a special speech, He also demonstrated room for improvement in body language and eye contact.had.
second speech commending the speech for aligning with the theme and effectively  using eye contact to engage the audience. As areas for improvement.

■Award Session

Cheers to you for the great speeches well done!
The Best Table Topic Award: TM M
The Best Evaluator Award: TM N
The Best Speaker Award: TM Y
thank you to our two guest for joining us.we look forward to visiting you next time!
Our next regular meeting is in Japanese and will be held on 21th july

Congratulation to all the winners!And appreciate every role owner.Let practice. It is OK to make misutakes.