The 314th Regular Meeting in English(2025/1/5)



The314th Regular Meeting in English (05/January 2025)

 Today’s meeting is the314th) meeting. It’s amazing for us. Today.Opening Vice TM-M
Attendees TMs9&Guest1

TMOD TM-N today ‘meeting and explained each role.then,each owner explained ther role.

Timer TM-K

Vote Counter TM-K

Grammarian TM-Y

Ah-counter TM -M

Blog writerTM-M

Today’s word : “Harmonized””

 TM -N Today’s word Harmonized or Harmony suggests like below. In these days of so many problems and disputes, it is very important to live in harmony. 



Prepared Speeches

prepared speech is made based on the speech manual written by toast masters international. Speakers have to make a speech in line with purposes in the manual such as “logical speech” and “effective way of speech”. The manual gives us specific advices. Achieving the purposes step by step allows you to improve your speaking skill.

1st speaker ( TM -Msan) Title: How to spot a dangerous person . Her speech structure was well organized and had specific examples. So audience was able to understand the speech very well. Form now on, audience will be able to avoid unnecessary  trouble.

2st speaker (TM -Ysan) Title: Do you know Cyber Security . Training Service?

Through the speech, the audience was reminded of the importance of cybersecurity. Because the speech included very specific examples and instructions.



■Table Topics Session

Today’sTable topics master :TM- N  called Table Topics master for Table Topics give a title of speeches and assigns a speaker. The speakers have to organize his/her idea and make a two- minute-speech on the spot. Quick response ability can be improved through the Table Topics speech. Today’s Table Topics master was N-san who provided us familiar but thrilling topics.

1, Please tell us what would you like to challenge this year. TM-Y challenged
2. How did you spend the year-end and new year holidays? TM-M challenged

3, Please tell us your goal for 2025 and how to achieve them. TM-M challenged 
4, Can you tell us your something special dish in winter? Guest C challenged

5, Please tell us how you enjoy winter season? TM-S challenged 

■Evaluation Session

In the evaluation session, evaluators previously assigned describe good points and area for an improvement and encourage speakers to make more effective speeches. Evaluators have to listen to the speech carefully and are qualified the ability to analyze good points and area for an improvement quickly. Even if you are not evaluator, evaluator-like- listening is a good training to be a good speaker.

1.TM -Ssan about TM-M

2.TM -M about TM-Y


■Award Session

Cheers to you for the great speeches well done!
The Best Table Topic Award: TM-M
The Best Evaluator Award: TM-M
The Best sperker  award TM-Y
Congratulations to all winners. I am waiting for your next speech.Finally, the guest gave us comments. Let practice It is OK to make mistakes. (Blog TM-M)