Blog for the meeting on Jan.7th 2024.01.07
Happy new year! Although, major earthquake hit Noto peninsula in Ishikawa prefecture and JAL passenger air plane and Japan coast guard air plain got in a smash.
We offer our condolence for the victims and their families.
Do you have any new year resolution? My resolution is to get used to a new job as I started working at new work place on Jan.4th.
■Today’s word :’’Albquerque’’
At the beginning of the meeting, one member announces “today’s word”. Speakers can build up practical vocabulary by trying to use today’s word in their speeches.
Today’s word is “Albquerque ” Capital of New Mexico state in US.
It’s was so challenging to use the word.
We can use this word like “Albquerque is famous for its forest of saint Francisco Xavier”
■Prepared Speech section
A prepared speech is made based on the speech manual written by toast masters international. Speakers have to make a speech along purposes in the manual such as “logical speech” and “effective way of speech”. The manual gives us specific advices. Achieving the purposes step by step allows you to improve your speaking skill.
(TM K-san) Title: My plan of the year.
He talked about two new year’s resolutions. One is to reduce his weight, the other is to expand English vocabulary. Regarding the former, He said he gained weight due to eating a lot during the year-end and New Year holiday season so that he would strive to lose weight going forward.
As for the later he tries to build up vocabularies to read English novel smoothly.
He told he would like to read a novel written by Collin Powel who was secretary of state in US. His speech was so suitable for the first meeting in the New year.
■Table Topic Section
Table Topics is impromptu speech. A facilitator for Table Topics gives a title of speeches and assigns a speaker. The speakers have to organize his/her idea and make a two-minute-speech on the spot. Quick response ability can be improved through the Table Topics speech.
- What is your new year’s resolution?
- What do you recommend sports is the best for the first sunrise of the year?
- What is your most impressive memory during the year-end and New Year holiday?
- Please tell us local cuisine in your home town?
- Did you go the first visit to a shrine of the New Year?
■Evaluation section
In the evaluation session, evaluators previously assigned describe good points and area for an improvement and encourage speakers to make more effective speeches. Evaluators have to listen to the speech carefully and are qualified the ability to analyze good points and area for an improvement quickly. Even if you are not evaluator, evaluator-like- listening is a good training to be a good speaker.
Award section
The best speaker of each session, prepared speech, table topics and evaluation, is chosen by all participants voting and is awarded for his/her best speak. Congratulations!
(From Vice President Public Relations)Anyone who are interested in our activities can attend our meeting. Please contact us with this form! ↓