Toastmasters is a non-profit organization originated in the United States. Members work on brushing up skills such as “public speaking” and “leadership” through collaborative learning, which are essential for success in 21st century society. It has been 100 years since the first club was established in California in 1924. Toastmasters currently has about 300,000 members in 150 countries (as of October 2021), and the clubs are held in various languages, especially in English.

Fuchu Toastmasters Club has continued steady growth since it was established in Fuchu City, Tokyo in 2012. We hold regular meetings in two languages, English and Japanese because we aim to improve not only English presentation skills but also Japanese social communication skills. It’s a very effective club to hone your command of languages. We hold English regular meetings on the first Sundays and Japanese regular meetings on the third Sundays each month.
Why don’t you join our regular meetings in your preferred language?
府中トーストマスターズクラブのモットーは「練習しよう 何度失敗しても大丈夫」。失敗は何かを学ぶための大切な機会であり、わたしたちの財産です。失敗を笑って許す温かい雰囲気が私たちのクラブの自慢です。
The motto of Fuchu Toastmasters Club is “Let’s practice. It’s all right to make mistakes.” Failure is an important opportunity for us to learn something and is our treasure. We are proud of our warm atmosphere to accept failure as part of our growth.
We have a mentor/mentee system. Experienced members support new members when they make speeches and take on various roles in the meetings.
2022.11.26-27 府中市協働まつり に参加しました!
・2021年11月28日 府中協働まつりに参加しました! ↓
■府中市民協働まつり – YouTubeチャンネル (第7回府中市民協働まつりポスターセッション)
■府中市民協働まつり – YouTubeチャンネル(スピーチ|府中トーストマスターズクラブ【生配信アーカイブ】)