■The 300th Regular Meeting in English (2nd/June/2024)
Today’s meeting is the 300th meeting. It’s amazing for us. And we have a new
member in our club, TM M.H. We had a good induction ceremony and she
promised the Toastmasters’ promise with us. The Toastmaster of the day is TM M.
(Attendees: Fuchu TMs: 10, Guests: 3)
■Today’s word : “Cool”
TM K announced “Cool” as today’s word.
“Cool” has several meanings like having a temperature lower than what is
comfortable, being calm and not worried or frightened, and not being influenced
by strong feelings of any kind. Let’s be cool before your speech.
■Prepared Speeches
1st speech: The title is The Performance of IGIL, given by TM M and a special
guest. An igil is a kind of traditional musical instrument for Tuvan music. We
enjoyed several Tuvan songs.
2nd speech: The title is Going to Cambodia Broadened My World and Horizons,
given by TM K.Y. She used many pictures from her travel in Cambodia during her
speech. They were so beautiful.
■Table Topics Session
Today’s Table Topics Master is TM T.K. The theme of the table topics is a country
that is your favorite. Each speaker shared their favorite country and their
experiences related to it.
■Evaluation Session
General Evaluator, TM S.M, controlled the evaluation segment.
The first speech was a special speech, so there was no evaluator. Therefore, we
had one evaluator for the second speech. TM T.A gave a warm evaluation for the
second speech. He pointed out “clarity” as a good point and suggested that the
balance between the introduction and the body of the speech needed
improvement. His advice was very helpful for improving a speech.
■Award Session
The Best Table Topic Award: TM T.Y
Our next regular meeting is in Japanese and will be held on 16th June.
But he will return after he finishes his temporary important assignment. We hope
for his return and wish him good luck!
(From Vice President Public Relations)Anyone who are interested in our activities can attend our meeting. Please contact us with this form! ↓