今日は府中トーストマスターズクラブ スピーチコンテストがオンラインで開催されました。前半の日本語スピーチコンテストには3名のメンバーが、後半の英語コンテストには4名のメンバーがエントリーし、いつもの例会とは異なり、温かくも少し緊張した雰囲気の中、素晴らしいスピーチが披露されました。
■ 進行
通常の例会のように、TMOD (Toastmaster of The Day) 兼コンテスト委員長の司会のもと、計時係及び集計係の役割が紹介されました。その後日本語スピーチ(5―7分)の発表、日本語スピーチコンテスト表彰式、英語スピーチ(5-7分)の発表、英語スピーチコンテスト表彰式の流れでコンテストが行われました。
■ 日本語スピーチコンテスト
- スピーカー1:TMさん「そろそろ」
- スピーカー2:MTさん「伝わってしまうもの」
- スピーカー3:YKさん「行列のできる告解室」
■ 日本語スピーチコンテスト 表彰式
■English Speech Contest
- Speaker No. 1: MT “A Little Light in The Darkness”
MT worked at a factory for more than 20 years and he changed his career to funeral director, and after 1 year and 7 months he again changed his career. His current job is the delivery driver. Career change is in general, skill up but in his case, it was not, it was the way to run away from disasters. In his career, he felt he was in the darkness and it was hard for him to open the door to next. However, he found a little light that he did not expect. Something small, something new. He recently saw the beautiful scenery in the area around Tokyo Tower that was what he did not expect!
- Speaker No. 2: RD “Life scenes mathematically explained”
TM RD shared the things mathematically explained in our life scenes. The derivation value is seen as one of mathematical concept in our life. The world happiness report was introduced as an example. Japan is usually ranked low, and TM RD is skeptical about the figures and ranks of this report. He believes that the language barriers had impact on the score. What does the word “happiness” really mean to Japanese? He also mentioned that he feels doubt about happiness in current young generation. Compared to 1970’s, the living standard has changed, but in general, people in 1970’s were happier. In his speech, TM RD shared several other interesting examples from the aspect of mathematical concepts.
- Speaker No. 3: TM “It’s time for action”
When TM MT joined Fuchu Toastmasters club, she was not good at speaking in front of people and she was not a sociable person. In her Toastmaster journey, she learned two very important things when she became the Club President. One is not to hesitate to ask other people to help her. She learned how to delegate tasks to others. And another is not to be afraid of making mistakes. She is now successfully making English speech in front of people.
- Speaker No. 4: HS “Dear my mother”
HS made a speech about his mother. His mother lived alone for 7 years after her husband past away, and she is now living in a nursing home due to her diagnosis of dementia. He has found some difficulties to take care of his mother because of the disease. When TM HS was a child, his father was always busy working so his mother raised him and his younger brother. TM HS thanked his mother for that. He also expressed appreciation to the staff of nursing home and he hopes that his mother will live long.
■English Speech Contest Award Ceremony
The first winner is TM RD, second is TM MT and the third is TM HS. Congratulations all!!